Note: Written in 2018, for High Scool Writers Craft
He heard a tiny voice behind him. “Is he the one?”
Pupils dilated and blood fresh on his tongue, Gideon whirled around.
“Who’s there!?” He roared. His arms hung from his shoulders, his filthy fingers twitched sporadically-
How dare they.
How dare they interrupt him pleasing his lord.
Balls of light danced around his line of sight. They dove, giggling at his rage. His nimble fingers swatted at them, but never would they come in contact with the annoying pests.
Their high pitched voices mocked him. They thought this was some joyous game that children played.
How wrong they were.
“Almost!” One cried as he lunged for them and tripped over the stiffening corpse. His head thunked on the brick floor.
“This way!” Cried another as he struggled to get up and out of the alleyway to them. To crush their tiny bodies within the palm of his hands. The thought of them squirming and screaming in pain made his heart race and his mouth water.
The darkening bricks gleamed with frost. The bloody knife still lay in the body of young Madeline. The bloody pool stained the ground below.
Puffs of air escaped his mouth as Gideon turned the corner into the streetlight. In the glittering of the glass windows he only saw himself - pale, twitching, and greasy hair clinging to a sweaty forehead. He didn’t see anyone else - anything else in the blasted streets.
Until they smacked him right in the nose.
“Boo!” They said, laughing as he fell again, this time ungraciously on his rump.
He glared up at them them - all seven of them - as they chortled more at his defense. No. Now there were 14- 21-42-
Everything was ringing; his ears, the air, the light, the very beings that mocked him! They grew bigger - brighter, stronger at his frustration. Their forms went in between the panes of glass, they darted in one ear and out the other. They tugged at his hair as he tried to grip at them.
No. It was his own bloody fingers that gripped at his hair.
Yanking them down he looked past the lights into the glass. They were hiding in there from him! He would make sure to be rid of them all, for his own sake, and for the sake of his Lord!
He flipped over to crawl while the balls of light continued to torment him. His nails dug under the packed dirt, into the cracks separating the brick. They scratched, snapped, and pulled until his prize came loose from the packed earth.
Seizing the heavy brick, Gideon took one last look at his gorgeous bloody form before coiling his arm and launching the man-made stone to the man-tempered sand.
The shattering voices shrilled in his ears, till he heard nothing and he was the only one left in the streetlight.

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