Red Dhalia : Loading Screen
This video was an attempt at creating a proof of concept loading screen for a game I'm trying to develop, Red Dhalia.
Inspired by a real-life situation that happened between me and my best friend, this video "meme" illustrates the blunder that was me trying to comfort her.
Through this video I attempted my hand both do hand-drawn animation and tweening in After Affects in order to prepare myself for my Motion Graphics Final Assignment.
This video was essential to honing my skills prior to my final, and one I was building up to since the beginning of term.
Combining elements of hand-drawn animation, masking, various After Effects, this video will hopefully be one of many, as I have plans for an entire series in a similar style.
Spinning ball of Death
Spinning Ball of Death is my attempt at creating a visual indicator gif for when your computer is thinking.
I come up with a few different designs before deciding on the cat, and the animation is made using tweening in after effects.
Text is Best
For this assignment, we had to create a video using only typography.
Due to the fact that my graphics card was not up to par at the time, it was extremely difficult to animate all the assets in a natural fashion - notably in the middle portion of the video.