"Phased Out" was a short film created in response to a question - what would a technology-based future be like? So in response I asked - what would a tech-based future look like when technology replaces us.
Given the situations at the time, and with my work removing cash lanes to implement self-checkout, the fear of human jobs being replaced by machines is not unfounded. I had even heard whispers of an AI that would do the same job as a Lawyer - one of the most revered, high-paying jobs available.
Original Script
Diane is shuffling in her grad gown. She straightens out her gown, looking down, before turning to the camera and giving a bright smile while holding up her diploma proudly. It has her graduating class her law certificate on it. Camera clicks, screen flashes white and flashes title “Phased out”, and then comes back on the picture framed for a couple seconds, before going to the digital clock, and then to her face illuminated by the laptop screen.
Papers are piled high on either side of her. She mouths words to herself before Camera goes to her papers, saying her student loans are overdue, her rent is over due, and her credit is in the red. Shot of her standing up and reading her papers, then from same angle eating a granola bar in a different place, then from same angle again leaning on wall and talking to her boss. . .
Hey Johnny! Yup, I think I’ve made
Some real headway in the case! This’ll
Be the one for me – the one that’ll make
Me a real lawyer I can feel it.
Uh-huh, Uh-huh, sure thing. I’ll call
you later tonight with my conclusion then?
Sure thing - Have a nice day!
She walks out of the frame and then camera is inside her fridge and she opens the door. Diane looks around, makes a frustrated face and huffs before closing the fridge and the sound of feet walking and keys jingling are heard.
Camera goes to her holding a basket or pushing a cart, and then picking up something she needs and examining it, then camera goes to the price, and she picks up the less expensive one.
I’m sorry – we just don’t need cashiers anymore.
Diane looks up from her purchase and off Camera. Camera goes to a manager talking to a teenager holding papers.
Please! I need a job to pay for University!
Manager’s face softens slightly.
The best I can offer you is a placement in stocking,
Ai hasn’t phased that out yet, but it still requires hours
you don’t have available.
Diane walks by manager and exits the isle as they say that. Camera goes to her scanning items at the self-checkout, and then picking up her reusable bags and leaving. Camera shows her outside the store and walking by someone having a sign and a cup for spare change. Car goes by and camera zooms closer. Written on the sign “Job phased out. Not enough money for training or food, please spare change”.
Camera goes to the back of her car, and she starts it. Handsfree starts ringing and she picks up.
Hey Johnny – you’re calling early! I just stepped out
for a few – can I call you when I get in?
No, I’m sorry – I Actually
have some bad news.
Diane frowns.
What kind of bad news?
News about half the department.
The CEO, is uh, letting us go.
What? Can they do that??? Why would they???
     (beat, then:)
. . .Johnny?
They finalized the new Ai for
Finding the best defense and evidence.
They plan on phasing out the entire
department by the end of the year.
It was decided you were going
To be let out in the first phasing
Since you’re new. Sorry Diane,
This’ll be your only case with us.

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