The idea was to recreate the "Dragon Eye" from Dreamworks Dragons: Race to the Edge, but it quickly spiraled when I discovered a projector I thought stopped working, was in fact still functioning. So I took it apart and tried to combine it with this project to make something I would be able to use for years to come.
Link to the AutoDesk Fusion Assembly
As this is a prototype, I'll definitely be coming back to it in the future when I expand my knowledge and skill.
Because of the preexisting pieces, it did turn out larger than I wanted; I had to sacrifice some elements because I was unable to figure out how to include them, and the LCD screen sadly stoped working before it could be tested fully assembled. As well, I had multiple 3d print fails with my resin printer due to running out of resin, and the head part of the print being four times the size of my printing bed.