“Robinson” is a natural Water colour made as the result of a material exploration. Utilizing the act of harvesting and materials found in “women” spaces, natural materials are dried, mixed, and refined into a watercolour binder and a dried watercolour - aiming to be used in the creation of various portraitures from these materials.       
The goal of exploring the process is to reconnect to cultural practices of growing, harvesting, processing, and consuming (or GHPC) - to preserve a culture on the verge of being lost due to generational trauma.
Broken Molds Exhibition - Second Iteration of pallet, and presentation of portraits
Broken Mold(s): experiments in bio art

Featuring artistic ideas in progress by students of the Spring.24 Bio Art Class. Exhibited works from Fashion, New Media, Media Production and Masters of Digital Media students explore regenerative cultures that consider new methods of ecologically and socially sustainable futures. Applying concepts by Maya Hey, Shaina Agbayani, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and Daniel Christian Wahl to local and global issues, students investigated organic matter driven creative experiments using grass textiles, bioplastics, mycelium, fermented cultures, moss and more.

This exhibition is generously supported by the Black Scholarship Institute, Creativity Everything, Assembly Gallery and The Creative School.

Curated by Ashley Jane Lewis and Maryam Shah.
(Exert by Ashley Jane Lewis and Maryam Shah)
My Pieces in Broken Mold(s):
My grandmother (Nana) seeing the pieces that she inspired
*BONUS* - Journal from the Bio-Art class that spurned this project
First Version of Watercolour Pallette

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