Naturally occurring generative systems are something that never fails to inspire me. Through rules coded into the nature of the smallest parts of a whole, matter coalesces and grows into something bigger than itself - replicating behaviors yet providing different results each and every time.
Crystal Clusters is a project that aims to explore just that.
By understanding the six crystal systems that give each mineral its defining shape, and generating a code that replicates this behavior, various crystalline structures have been generated in the digital 3D space – all for a deeper appreciation of the geometric systems that are found in an uncontrolled environment.
By placing these structures (which are based on random, fairly unpredictable visuals) into the structured and isolated gallery environment, a more scientific presentation can be taken; and their beauty of them becomes almost pragmatized. The pieces can also seem confined or out of place – being the only things of color on a monochrome wall, their shadow cast by artificial lights creating multiple silhouettes and further commenting on being in a place that they should not. The material itself, too, further lends to this, as although the way the peaks break when harvested from the build plate and the translucent nature of resin afford to the physical make-up of crystals themselves; upon closer inspection air bubbles and printed layers can be found making this “natural” unnatural.
Final Physical prints 2022
3D Digital Renders
X, Y and Z Axis all have the same value
X and Y axis-share the same value, Z values are varying
X, Y, and Z axis all have different values
As another axis has been added, all axis perpendicular to the plane share values and are referred to as X1, X2, or X3; with the remaining perpendicular axis being irregular in value.
Consists of two variations.
Hexagonal Flats
Hexagonal Pointed

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